Red Night
Red Night Press
Dennis Harvey
"Many Hole Head entries this year aim for cult-movie cache, some straining pretty hard for that quirkiness. Probably the most singular and successful among them is this 71-minute whatsit from writer-director-actors Beck & Collin Stafford...A bit Eraserhead, a bit Vegas in Space, a lot WTF, this vividly colored, dialogue-free oddity featuring works from numerous visual artists is a true original.
Matt Stromberg
"Beck+Col’s Red Night is a critique of neoliberal capitalism and the kind of rugged individualism associated with it."
"the film weaves influences from horror cinema, pop culture, and political theory into a blood-and-guts-soaked phantasmagoric parable about the importance of communal solidarity."
"Beck + Col’s anti-capitalist slasher slices and dices lowbrow cinema with bespoke costumes and elegant visuals."